Thursday, December 30, 2010

depression and what not.

Well I turned the big 31yrs old on Monday, I was not too depressed, I was more or less just like whatever. I did not want to really do anything just sit around and hang out. Jeff felt like we needed to do something. But the week has turned into a rather icky one.

By Tuesday I was feeling shitty, stuffy noise, and sore throat. By Thursday it was in full swing. I am going out w some friends on Friday for my birthday and then planning on coming home so that I can sleep. New years is not really anything too fun anymore. Not really because we have kids that cannot stay up that late, but because it really does not make any sense anymore. Life just continues, do we really feel like a new beginning is starting not really.

I'm trying to get out of a funk, but it is not working to well. I feel like maybe I have just let all these things get me down. I have to let go and release them, no reason to keep it in. But easier said then done.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

X-mas Season

Its about 18 days till X-mas, and I am just hoping that the girls will be so dumb struck on that day. But I am feeling a little restless. I want to get away, and my guilty pleasure is Disney, I so want to go back. Is that soooo bad!

I want to see Disney with all of its X-mas lights up, I want to see the girls go Gaga for everything. I want to stop and enjoy it.

I feel like I do not stop and enjoy things enough.  Our lifes are so busy w kids, homework, groceries, family, driving here to there, etc. I just want to stop the clock and make it move slowly.