Monday, October 24, 2011

Trying to stay positive but

its not workimg anymore. workers comp denied again. I am so devastated. I really dont have words for how I feel.

I kinda just feel like giving up, why bother really, I have no reason for all this fighting, its the big bad gvmt. u cant win a war that only has u as the enemy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bullshit that is known as unorganization

Well today Elizabeth and Amelia begged to have grandpa pick them up from school. So we obliged them. One less trip for us today. Well that was a bad idea, or maybe it was not.

Elizabeth got home crying that she had girl scouts today. Well I never recvd a note home, but low and behold it was in her folder. Stating that it was today after school. Well guess what we are not at school. What kinda crap is that.

So I call the Girl Scout leader of the school and she calls me back and says that the notes should have gone home yesterday. and there is only one other girl in KG that is in GS. Well it does not matter bc that girl stays for aftercare, so she will go to the meeting.

Now the problem is my little girl is so upset, she is crying and telling me that I broke a promise to her. And that I am a lie. And that she does not want me near her. This breaks my heart. BC I did promise her G.S. Yes I know she will have a meeting next month, but this was the first meet. Its really not hard to get this shit out maybe three days earlier. What am I talking about, she just got the stuff last Thursday to sell magazines, and the money has to be in by the 24th. Luckily she got two magazines bought from family.

I just feel so bad for her. This is something that we deal with all the time. The school has no organization. Its ppwk on top of ppwrk always grammatically wrong, times and dates wrong. Its enough to make me what to send them to my shitty public schools in Midlothian.