Thursday, September 20, 2012

Did not find a fist my face did not like....

Yeah its not so funny, but what else do I have to do but try and laugh.  I have had a pretty shitty month. With getting punched in the face by my husband lunatic cousin wasn't fun enough. Driving to Florida to look for houses/areas with my dad. Then just trying to go on with life it has not all worked in my favor.

I guess we should start from the beginning.  At a family function of my husbands we all tried to get his lunatic cousin to not drive to his dumb ass g.f.'s house drunk and beat the shit out of her. And in retrospect we should have, I guess if she allows this behavior it must be OK in her book. 

So I walked up to another cousin to state something to the fact that If he would have just told the jackass off four years ago he would never talk to him or his wife that way...but I don't think I finished the sentence as the lunatic punched smack straight in the face. I drop as any girl should when a 300+ pound man hits you in the face. I am sure I lost consciousness but who knows I was out. I remember hearing people screaming then getting up and blood pouring out of my face. I was to worried about my husband killing said lunatic to worry about my lovely new face.

J did get hit by jackass in the right eye and now has flashes of light randomly through out the day. So fun for the man who has bum ankle and bad back. He feels he should just be taken outside back and killed like an old dog.

No breaks in my nose, just a fun chip in my front teeth that make me look hillbilly.  But I have the ever lasting memory that will forever haunt me. I feel like I am Katniss Everdeen in my own personal hell of the hunger games. Going over what happened, trying to replay it with different situations, but it all does not matter it was never in my favor.

We had court the other day and I asked for the case to be dismissed, not wanting to live through the horror anymore than I have to. I was shaking in court sick to my stomach and to find out the asshole never even showed. Makes me regret not pressing charges.

The lesson learned if a douchbag wants to kill himself let him not worth having a lifetime of bad memories.

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